Monday, December 7, 2009

O Christmas Tree

 No, we didn't wander into a very evenly spaced forest.  We went to a Christmas tree farm, silly!

This was my first time going to a farm like this and chopping down on our tree.  It was a fun experience, and I dare say we might be chopping one down next year too.

I thought the baby trees were adorable and very Charlie Brown-esque, but John obviously didn't agree.

Cool metal siding obviously necessitated a picture. 

They felt the need to paint a bunch of trees/bushes with faces all around the farm.  I don't think this picture accurately captures the creepiness of these things.  

Wow I didn't realize Santa ate burritos and corn dogs.  Needless to say, we were not tempted to try any of said "snack's."  

We freaked out when we saw this beautiful Swissy.  We may have scared her owners.  

John obviously has a vendetta against baby trees. 

Here are the needles on the type of tree we got - a Douglas Fir.  John was convinced this was a "normal" tree, but I've definitely never had a Christmas tree with needles like this.

John is giving our potential tree the once-over.

Check out that devilish grin - I never knew John had this in him.

John finally gets to have his way and cut one down.

Apparently I married a ham.

And no, I didn't offer to help him carry the tree.  I'd share a picture of our decorated tree, I find it's impossible
to take a picture that accurately captures how pretty a tree is.  Without a flash, the picture is a blur, and with one it comes out completely hideous.  Am I alone on this?

1 comment:

  1. Use a tripod! It'll stop all your blurriness and give you a great non-flashed picture.

    p.s. Why does John hate baby trees so? I think they're cute!


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