A big (belted) congratulations to my brother, David, and his new wife, Kathi. They got married last weekend in Ohio, and John and had a great time celebrating with them.

Kathi was sweet enough to ask me to be a bridesmaid, and I happily obliged. It was my first time as a bridesmaid. You could almost say I'm "always a bride, never a bridesmaid."
They did a cool autumn theme with the flowers and arrangements at the wedding. The "flower" girls even walked down the aisle sprinkling leaves as they went.

John was also in the wedding party, and we got a second run and walking down the aisle together. Pretty fun!

However, part of his fate as a groomsman meant that the DJ felt it was his duty to embarrass him. The DJ called him and all the other groomsman to the dance floor to perform YMCA in the appropriate Village People headgear. In the picture, I am sitting behind them in horror.

Of course I had to even the score and embarrass myself by doing the electric slide. My cousin's wife is enjoying the fun too and dancing in front of me. She is having a baby in January and I'm so excited for them. It will be the first baby of all of the cousins (there are only 4 of us).

Here John and I are at the rehearsal dinner. We had such a great weekend with the family and I'm so happy to welcome Kathi to be a part of it.
What a wonderful weekend we had!