Thursday, October 21, 2010

Paris, London, Tiburon

Early last week John told me not to make plans for Saturday night because he was going to surprise me.  He gave me no hints other than to tell me we needed to leave at 4:00 and that it would take an hour and a half to get there.  The night before over a dinner of pork chops and Brussels sprouts I told him my guess.

While I couldn't remember where the boat left from or where it went once it left, I knew there was some sort of sunset cruise near Sausalito.  As it turns out, that sunset cruise leaves from Tiburon, just another cute town in Northern California.  I found this out because, like many other times, I was able to spoil my own surprise.  About a year ago John planned a surprise date to go see Wicked, except I guessed what it was before he even had a chance to taunt me.  That's the problem with being married, surprises are hard to pull off when you know each other so well.

After gawking at the cuteness of Tiburon for a few minutes, we came upon this t-shirt.  I am still plagued with regret I didn't get it.

"The Candy Store on Main Street" would need a miniature candy village in the window, wouldn't it?

I forgot the "best" part of our super surprise date, though.  I get pretty sea-sick on boats, so John reminded me to bring/take my motion sickness pills.  Despite this reminder, I forgot them at home.  Halfway into our drive I realized it, and we figured we could pick some up in Tiburon.  No can do.  There is no pharmacy in Tiburon and the grocery store carries nothing of the sort.  We made a mad dash for the Safeway in Strawberry, but weren't able to make it there in time to find some pills.

(Note the San Fran skyline waaaaay off in the background of the picture above.)

So instead of going on sunset cruise, we watched the sunset from a bench, eating candy from The Candy Store, and accompanied by a Google blanket.  It was still pretty amazing.

Here is the boat we should have been on, despite my best attempts to ruin our plans.  It was the last weekend for the sunset cruise this year, so I guess now we have something to look forward to next year, right?

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